Be your own Coach. Not your own Speech Writer.

Decide for yourself if you want to actually win in your encounters in life or if you just want to *look* like a winner.

I suggest actually winning and attempting to win and putting 99% less emphasis on attempting to look like you’re winning, whether you are or not.

The goal of a Speech writer is to win over an audience.
The goal of a coach is to WIN. Win a game, a series of games, a big/high stakes game, and repeat the cycle over.
A speech writer merely needs to say the right things at a given time to illicit an immediate reaction.
A coach needs to DO the right things to enable success.
A speech writer lives in a cerebral world of thought and theory.
A coach lives in a physical real life world that is entirely based on tangible, recordable results.
A speech writer doesn’t need to do anything to spruce up a candidate/speech maker – they merely need to have that speaker say the right things that sound the best to the target audience and then the subject it out of their hands and not their problem.
A coach needs to analyze team and self deficits, plan ahead, and oversee personal growth of each and every one of his players, knowing full well that his team is only as strong as its weakest member and that one weak move or screw up could cost many future opportunities.

only when you convert from being a speech writer (as if preparing good copy for someone else to inspire while you yourself do nothing but make it sound flowery and likely to achieve a set of pre-set goals) to becoming a Coach who delivers inspiration through frank talk, acknowledgement of defeats and deficits, planning and strategy with many big-picture factors in mind (both to himself and his team) can you be of use to anyone at all, including yourself.

Your candidate is yourself. Your team is your personality traits (including talents and negatives alike). You have to be a good candidate and to do that you need to build a winning team. to do that you need to be a good coach and/or listen to other coaches whom you respect and follow their strategies.

Only then does it come time to write your speeches. You’re doing it all backwards and in the laziest way possible. Stop that.

About richard