Everything in California Sucks Except the Geography

California’s cities may be dirty,
but the landscape is so purdy
that it makes the crappy urban life seem fine.

Success stays beyond your reaches,
but have you seen our sickest beaches?
Cuz theres miles of them all along our spine.

Though the taxes may be high,
you won’t find a bluer sky,
At least not in these continental United States.

There’s hills and cliffs and falls
Adventures for those who have the balls.
From San Diego to the friggin Golden Gates.

I hate everything about you, California. But you sure are one sexy bitch. And I don’t mean that in the way it got popularized in the last 15 years to mean “scandalously attractive and alluring”. I mean literally a “sexy. bitch”. California is ugly. just only on the inside. Adam Carolla has a bit where he articulates this concept i’ve been saying for years quite well, but upon googling I couldn’t find any record of it to quote from. It’s the same concept as what I’m saying though, he just put some good pinpoints on it. Stupid gorgeous state with your oppressive government bankrupting the economy and your morally bankrupt people over-drafting their karma accounts daily. You’re real lucky you’ve got some geographical high points.


About richard