Genius Problemz: Brain Overloadz

You don’t know the gift of the truth that is contained in the old phrase “ignorance is bliss” until you have a super brain that lives outside of those parameters. This doesn’t make sense to you now because you don’t know the depths of the complex engine that is my thinking-muscle or how hard it works around the clock, but one day in the distant future this will be an illuminating notation of the suffering I put my wondrous mind through in pursuit of nobility and excellence.

Nah, but for real though: too much disaster in a small amount of time and it’s like opening 15 Youtube videos in 15 new tabs and trying to make sense of them all playing at once. Normally the complexity of my situational surroundings are managed with elite efficiency but if I’m sleep deprived then it’s just a loud, CPU-taxing mess that overheats my engines and causes crashes I can’t afford.

About richard