Guys. I don’t think it would work out if I had two mouths

I’ve given it a lot of deliberation, and I’m sad to say that I just don’t see it working out. #discuss

I both think I am awesome and a loser for knowing this, but the hammerhead alien in the first Star Wars movie in 1979 that appears in the cantina scene is of the Ithorian species and the non-canonical books picking apart every background detail in every frame of every Star Wars movie in the 90s stated that Ithorians had a separate mouth on each side of their face, giving a stereo quality when they speak.

This is clearly not the case in the original character design depicted in the film if you ask me, but the rewrite could always get away with claiming the mouth slits are smooth when closed.

They got away with not giving Greedo any eyelids, after all.

Guys. I don't think it would work out if I had two mouths. #discuss

About richard