Make today awesome so yesterday gets jealous

Feeling like life is pointless and your existence is so insignificant that your accomplishments lack satisfaction and your failures or stagnations feel like an overwhelming crushing pain that makes you just want to flip off the world and peace-out? Well don’t. Just do the opposite instead. What’s the worst that could happen? You experience less stress and more pleasure during your short existence? Chill out. That’s the advice. It’s deeper than you think. Mostly only because everything is deeper than you initially think since the human brain can unpack and attribute intention or significance to any random data set – but what better area to target that uniquely human talent towards, than your own pathetic life? Enjoy it while you got it. And that doesn’t mean be a jerk and do whatever makes you happy at a given moment with no consideration to others you interact with frequently or society at large. That’s just a road to more problems. Instead, all you have to do is look at the norms, understand basic empathy and consideration, and then take a makeup brush and apply a light hearted positive motivation in generous amounts over your focus on the points you’ve determined to be good goals in service to your concept of a fulfilling life and – boom, you silly goose – you went ahead and made this life not a painful death slog, though still insignificant.

Make today awesome so yesterday gets jealous
Now go carpe some diems before your organs fail and we bury your lifeless husk and it liquifies into the dirt.

About richard