Why I Don’t Drink: It’s yucky & my brain

No I’m not allergic to alcohol.
No I’m not a recovering alcoholic.
No I’m not Mormon.

its just never appealed to me. Vodka tastes like something I would clean my kitchen with, not drink. Wine tastes like rotten grape juice and hand sanitizer to me. Just not my bag. I am crazy enough without it. everyone thinks i’m drunk or high at parties but really I just dont have a filter for my words an actions.

I wish I could say I don’t drink because a bottle of wine killed my great grandpa in the Grape Wars of the 1890s but nah. It just doesn’t appeal to me on any level is all. It’s not delicious and I don’t crave the floaty butter brain feeling. The couple times I’ve had more than a tasting sip (ie: 2 sips) of something, it just gives me a headache or makes me pass out. Whats fun about that? I don’t need to poison my body with a sickness inducing cleaner fluid just to feel a little different than I do at a given moment.

About richard