2 hours at the At&T store and still no resolution

All I wanted to do was add my iphone to a family plan… Yesterday they told me on the phone that I needed to go into the store and fill out a contract to re-activate my iphone after I got a new SIM card which allowed it to receive my California number. So I go to the store…


They were stumped on how to fix my problem, so I had to call Customer Service. from the store…

If this looks ridiculous, it should…


I was there for 2 hours. On the phone. Trying to do a simple task. Being transferred from department to department. Billing to tech support to regional offices to porting department to supervisors to whoknowswhere and so on.

I left without a resolution. Domingo, the rep “helping” me had long since become frustrated with my situation and given up and by that time was just trying to get me the hell out of the store.



When I got home I had learned enough about how AT&T works that I had figured out what needed to be done. So I called tech support and told them what to do, pretending someone else from the store gave the direction and I didn’t just make it up and the guy on the phone had it done in under 15 minutes…

About richard