Attention Seekers

Unless i’m missing something here… this is kindov stupid…

I dont get it. why would that person care? wouldn’t the more useful thing to say be to the person being ignored: “while you are begging for attention from someone who doesnt want to give it to you, someone else is begging it from you while you ignore them”

UPDATE: The girl who posted this explains it as “It’s basically saying don’t ‘sleep on’ the idea that someone is there…bcuz someone ELSE could come give them what you wouldn’t.”

That makes more sense. I was thinking the person doing the ignoring didnt care about the other person but instead its a caution against a situation where you do care or could care but you’re friend-zoning them or something and could later be disappointed when they give up and move on.

First i thought – isnt the whole point that you dont care, so who cares when they move on? — but the other way to view it is Heathers explanation where its not that you dont care about the person but that youre just letting them hang because you can. like a “keep my options open” kinda sitch

About richard