Bear in mind that you Otter know these classes of Gay

In my most recent video I invented the term Twinkiebear for what I have since been informed by many many messages, is already referred to as an Otter. Turns out that there is a whole animal kingdom to gay body types including that I was unaware of…

Scroll down to Terminology:

Some slang terms relating to the bear community include the following:
Bear run – a gathering or circuit party for bear/cub types and their admirers.
Chaser – short for chubby chaser, or a smooth guy who likes hairy men.
Chub – a heavy set gay man. May or may not be a bear (chubby bear is a common term).
Cub – a younger (or younger looking) version of a bear, typically but not always with a smaller frame. The term is sometimes used to imply the passive partner in a relationship.[13] Can be hairy or hairless.
Daddy bear – an older bear, sometimes looking for a daddy/son relationship with a younger man.
Goldilocks – a female, often heterosexual, who is often in the company of bears (a bear’s fag hag).
Otter – a man who is hairy, but is not large or stocky – typically thinner, swimmer’s build, or with lean muscle or no muscle.
Panda bear – a bear of Asian descent.
Pocket bear – a short bear.
Polar bear – a silver- or white-haired bear.
Wolf – a term for a muscle bear who is a rugged outdoorsy or biker type.
Woof – a greeting used to express physical attraction (sometimes when a bear sees another bear in public).

This list also taught me “woof”, which is something ive been seeing in myspace & video comments and at the beginning or end of private messages and emails for years. i even commented on it sometimes like “wtf? are you saying im a dog??” and no one ever fkkn explained it to me! i feel so betrayed.

Picture courtesy of MissAshleyPants


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