Gays should stop bullying other gays to “come out”. STFU and dew wut u want

Isn’t this gay-rights movement thingy y’all are pushing, supposed to be *against* bullying? So why do so many of you think it’s okay to bully in favor of your side? Knock it off, yo. Shits annoying. and creepy.

Correct my Breeder perspective if I have your collective position as a movement wrong, but as I understand it, you DON’T want people to think you’re some kind of cult actively recruiting people to choose to join your team, right?… okay. So WTF is up with the pressure for everyone, everywhere who is attracted to the same sex to broadcast it to the world?

It’s a rhetorical question because I know the answer: the movement, while containing many admirable, logical and downright obvious points, objectives and merits also contains a lot of creepy culty foolishness. This is one of them.

Stop repeating the same mistakes that the Leftist lead Feminist movement screwed women over with and instead advocate the message that you CAN do what you want – not that you MUST do what a counter-culture movement in society wants you to do in their quest to make “progressive” social changes. Real social progress is found in the former and is absent in the latter.

For women’s rights: The message that you CAN pursue a career instead of making a home (or juggle both) is fine and respectable social change. The propaganda that women SHOULD pursue a career instead of homemaking as part of a “stick it to male dominated society” movement was and is terrible horrible no good very bad pressure for young women. The reason is because the Feminist movement had a good goal that sought to achieve it with anti-sociological nonsense. A change in the culture from “you should do A instead of B” to “do A, B or C. Whatevs, Yo” is good. A change to “you should do B instead of A” is regressive.

Likewise, I get that you same-sex-Sirens are seeking to poke constrictive elements of society in the eye – and that’s fine and everything, but you are doing a disservice to your fellow homos by adding social pressure to them to wave around their sexual attractions. Your message should be “do that if you WANT to. and if you don’t want to, that’s cool too. We’re just reminding you and society that we exist in many different stripes that there’s nothing wrong with it”.

Unfortunately that’s not currently the case and people in the public and private eye are “outed” often for no other reason than catty elitism from people who like to flaunt their alternative sexuality and thus are mad at those who don’t. Buzz off, you bullies. That’s all you are. You’re not providing hope or comfort or peace of mind by pressuring people to do things, say things and change their public identity in accordance to how YOU want them to instead of how they want to. You’re just servicing your own agenda and using social pressure to do it. It ain’t right.

I’m not “in the closet” about being Straight, but I don’t identify with it much in my public life. I never show any PDA in public, I don’t post kissy smushy pictures when I’m in a relationship, I don’t even post references to dates/romance/sex on social networking websites and certainly not here on Richardland *unless its a joke, usually at my expense OR the girl I’m with has passed the 2-year relationship mark which has happened twice and are the only 2 girls to be identified by name and face on this website as having been in a relationship with me while the rest are faceless ghosts – and that’s the way I like it. That’s my right and my preference. If being heterosexual was the minority chemical wiring in humans, I would resist and say the same thing about any Straight-Pride movement telling me to be out&proud against my will and for good reason.

You’re dudes who like dudes. You’re not Mutants in an X-Men style new-age holocaust. It’s not that big a deal. I get that some people don’t like that you’re turned on by hairy pectorals instead of boobs. Boo hoo. Lots of people don’t like lots of things about peoples lifestyle choices. You don’t need a cult-mob mentality to fight against bigotry or to advocate tolerance.

What if you liked Star Trek and you weren’t ashamed of it or anything, but you didn’t feel like being identified as a “Trekkie” and having people always talking to you about it and asking you questions and inviting you to conventions and doing that “live long and prosper” finger separation thing and that always being the first thing people identify you as? There are lots of people who love all of that stuff and are that person. Mazel tov. If you’re not one of them, but you still like Star Trek, who the hell is anyone else to tell you you have to like Star Trek the way THEY like Star Trek in order to raise acceptance of the Trekkie community? It’s a bunch of nonsense.

Y’all do what you want.


About richard