Getting stood up is a downer, no matter what

Busy day, puttin out fires, stomping one problem after the next, exercising like a madman to keep the juices flowing, kept at high energy and high output all ding-dang-dong day, slammin through business calls and emails like it’s my job (irony), progress progress progress, feelin good, everyone working in concert and actually doing what they’re supposed to for once (the bosses eternal agony) and then it’s time to pass the baton off to that-one-guy-who’s-always-late aaaand… derailed. Dammit. Still kills a good mood to be waiting for someone that don’t show. Could have everything else going right but it’s still a kick in the pants to have to change plans because someone was too occupied with something else. Good thing it’s not the last day of the month and they know I’m working all day on precisely that deadline. The best part is that I usually work around the people under me’s schedule because I don’t expect anyone else but me to be as obsessed with this business as I am, so I have them set their times and I’m the one who adjusts. And yet, an hour after the “back to work” time passes, I start to remember that this person’s “I will do XYZ” is always-and-forever just a “this is what is possible if I feel like it” guideline and then it sucks more because I don’t have anyone to blame but me.

I mean, you can’t prepare a schedule around a never-reliable and then pretend to be shocked when they’re never-reliable. So now, 2 hours past the time for them to return to work on the schedule they set for themselves, I’m finally moving ahead with it with someone else, who is promptly getting up to speed to fill No-Shows slot while I type this.

It might sound trivial now, but one day this post just might be a glimmer of insight on the future and how that future came to pass and why certain parts of it are the way it arez. What? Nevermind. I have work to do. WITH PEOPLE WHO CARE!!!….nah. jk.

[he’s not really jk-ing]

Furreal though: its annoying to anyone to have plans unplanned because someone who made those plans got distracted by something they decided was more important but like, way more annoying to a careful planner at a crucial time working against a ticking clock while — okay, g2g. My Scab is ready and interrupting my typing of this finger-wagging post. The moral of the story was not to expect anyone else to do anything they say they will, ever. Merry Christmas! [*it’s the end of January at the time of this writing & i’m delirious]


About richard