I think a person uttering this phrase is talking about two people. But a twin is two people, so two of them is four people, according to my 3 calculators and chalkboard on wheels that flips around to reveal another chalkboard on the back of it.
But is that right? You probably just said “yes, stupid” in your head but hold on just a damn sex.
One person is still “a twin”, so “two twins” could just mean both halves of the set.
Are you following me here? If one person can be a twin then “those two twins over there” could be referencing two people who each individually have another person with their same genetic makeup. But you can also refer to both of them together as “twins” and it’s equally grammatically correct as what what I just said about there only being one person who themself is a twin of someone unnamed.
Two twins… how many people u got?… place your bets.
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