I’m not in Pirates 4. but I maybe coulda been. poss

Forgot to ask if theres a sexy Phillipe priest in the new pirates movie and whats the reaction about him? I came across my audition invitation for that role last week and forgot to ask people who’ve seen it. the character description was the dudes name, his age range and that “he is handsome”. lol. that’s the only reason I saved it. you know. cuz I’m a narcissist.

No, I didn’t actually audition for the part. But it sounds cool that I was invited to. Emphasis on “sounds” as opposed to “is”, cuz it’s not like it was down to me and 3 other people that the casting director was clamoring for, but when you just drop the word “invite” and dont needlessly elaborate, I guess it sounds kinda pimp.

UPDATE: I just googled him and it appears they changed his name to Philip. so, that would be whom im talking about.

UPDATE: meh, okay. I guess I can approve of this dude. Somethin slightly off about him that makes him look like a romance novel human version of Mr Rat from the Wind and the WIllows, but I’ll still sign off on the dude.

Judging by the doe eyed expression, I’m assuming they replaced the Will Turner character with a just-as-emo but slightly more manly version who is also in some kind of forbidden love situation that he must conquer and Jack must get involved in silly ways with. amiright? Looks like a good flick.

UPDATE: yup. here’s what I assume is the love interest…

PS: If this movie doesnt have more shit from the ride, I’m gonna be furious. I sat through both the sequels waiting for something familiar and got cannibals and krakkens but no well dunking or wench selling. wtf. dont forget your roots, Pirates.

About richard