Ladies: Quit tryin to change your man

You chicks really gotta knock it off with the whole seeing-your-man-as-an-unfinished-painting thing. as a gender, you’re not very good at it and the attempt to “complete” the canvas with what you think should be on it will only frustrate and disappoint you while bugging the crap out of him. This is purely altruistic advice, since obvs I’m a perfect mate, so its not a personal complaint im experiencing, but rather I see y’all with lesser men just tinkering with all the different ways you’re going to make the “good start” youre with into the man you ACTUALLY want. RichTip says knock it off, stop wasting your time and instead go spend it on finding one closer to what you want.
The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby. Dont doubt me.


About richard