My browser needs airbags

firefox crash Pictures, Images and PhotosWhen you have 110 tabs open in two windows of the same browser and it crashes… that’s really annoying. Not cuz they’re gone, cuz I have the SaveSession plugin that pops up a window when I restart the browser, asking me if I want to restore all or some of the tabs and windows open before the crash – but because it renders the computer unusable for at least 5 minutes as all those pages load at once – many of which contain music or videos that have been paused but are on pages that autoplay them upon reload.

Once you click that restore button you know you’re in for some waiting time while your modern technology processor and 2Gigs of RAM, impossibly struggle with what appears to be a simple task. It’s like opening Adobe Acrobat 5 years ago. Or 2 years ago. Or yesterday. Damn – why is Adobe Acrobat so fkking slow? The default PDF viewer on Macs flash that shit open in a nano second. an ipod-nano second you could say…if you wanted to be a fag.

Dammit. This is what happens when you don’t leave when you say you’re gonna leave. I keep telling FireFox it cant keep abusing me like this and we’re gonna break up for realz, but I always stay. I’m too dependent on it. And it knows it. So it keeps drinking and with no e-cop to give it a DUI, it crashes per usual and me – the driver – has to suffer the consequences.. sitting there.. waiting while a billion little tabs (they’re little cuz i have another plugin that shrinks the tab size to just the site-icon) to load. Everything else is frozen and I have to mute the speakers to avoid being bombarded with a dozen bits of media playing at once which really fucks with your head after a few seconds.

Actually, the only reason I’m writing this blog is because I’m waiting for the desktop to become usable again and — there it goes. SEE YA SUCKERS. *closes laptop and gets back to watching scat porn on other comp*

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