A Typical Morning in Richardland

I don’t do enough daily-routine exposition on here so after being asked how my morning went by someone and then probed for details, I decided to share the answer for scientific archival purposes here.

Went to sleep around 3AM the night before which was early given the rest of the week. Got up again around 9:30 and right into work from bed which I always like to do. flung open the french doors in my room that lead out to the pool and cartwheeled in there for a refreshing bit of exercise.

put on a podcast over the wireless speakers throughout my house as I showered and washed up. ordered a bacon & eggs delivery from eat24 and answered work emails in my living room watching an episode of Kitchen Nightmares on my Apple tv until it arrived.

Eat24 called me pretty on twitter so that was nice. ate my brek as the show finished.

Cleaned up my kitchen while listening to another podcast until it was time for a conference call. handled that like a boss and got into work in my office right as noon rolled around and I can start my actual work…



About richard