Oh Easter, you so silly

How come people say “He is risen” instead of “He HAS risen”? Not only cuz of the odd use of the words, but also cuz…isn’t Easter an anniversary? No one thinks the dude is dying and rising every year at this time, right?

Or is it supposed to be an ominous zombie thing implying that he walks among us to this very day?

Idk, but my pool is finally warm enough to be swimmable and ive got steaks to grill, so – get off your keister and lez dew sum Easter, motherfkkers

UPDATE: Unless there’s a joke that relies on a question being rhetorical, I almost always want an answer or clarification on anything I ask so I was pleased to hear this one from Damian G:

Because “risen” is being used as an adjective, not as a past-participle verb. Also, since He is still alive, the present tense of the verb “to be” makes more sense. #funwithgrammarandreligion #TheMoreYouKnow #shootingstar

Idk what all that really means though, so I had him re-explain like i’m a five year old. I accept the answer and provide it here:


‘Kay. Christians believe that Jesus defeated Death by rising from the grave and that He is *still* alive. “He was risen” makes it sound like he just got up from sleeping for three days and then died again later.

“He is risen” is also consistent with the present-tense language of Christian worship. Think of Christmas: “Joy to the world, the Lord is come…” or “O come let us adore Him…” Or even the Eucharistic prayer. Catholics in particular believe that Jesus’ Sacrifice is re-enacted at every Mass, hence the priest repeating Jesus’ words, “Take, eat, this *is* My Body…”

Jesus has always been alive, even before Creation. He became a man amongst us 2,000ish years ago, and except for his brief hiatus between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, continues to be alive for all eternity. Christianity is not merely a remembrance of events past; it is a constant celebration. Think of it as a really rad block party that just won’t stop playing that song you like, except you never get sick of it, just as Jesus never, ever stops loving you, me and all of us.

I accept that. Now on to the next problem…

About richard