Say “Christmas”, dammit

I’m tired of this “happy holidays” bullshit.

“But what if they’re jeeeew-iiish” says the whiner. Um. Its customary for Jews to respond to “merry Christmas” either with “happy Hanukkah” or “and merry Christmas to you!”. the former extends your holiday back to the person wishing merriment on you and the latter is a simple “thank you. back attcha”.

As a Federal holiday, America celebrates Christmas no matter what. so “merry Christmas” can mean:

-“happy celebration of the birth of Christ”

-“happy celebration of the philosopher Jesus whom you don’t believe was divine but recognize had a significant influence in our great country”

-“happy month of good cheer and altruism”

-or just “happy day we don’t have to go into work and all the banks are closed”

since there is no litmus test on which of those is meant or taken as by either sayer or receiver, “Merry Christmas” is already all inclusive, making “happy holidays” a vile and odious insulting substitution spawned only from hate and intolerance of anything with vaguely religious roots.

don’t let intolerant bigoted jerks pressure you into not saying Christmas…

The phrase is appropriate when said to inter-faith families and in contexts such as saying “man, the holidays really kicked my ass this year” in January (because you could mean any combonation or all of Thanksgiving, Hannukka and/or Christmas and New Years).

Wish people Merry Christmas. It’s a good thing.
for the love of Christ………. gawd.


About richard