Shaving is stupid anyway

Sometimes, while trying to cut the hair off my face with sharp metal, I also cut parts of my actual face and those cuts bleed for awhile n stuff.

“Is there a way to tell if a razor has gone dull before you use it?” I ask my cousin and mother as I enter the kitchen looking like I had just won a pie eating contest.

I tried to illustrate how badly I sliced up my face, but thanks to unknown “hide blood on your face” feature built into the iphone, it unfortunately didn’t register very much in picture:


if the iphones camera didn't suck, you'd see 7 open cuts oozing blood instead of just one douchebag making a weird face looking at a screen

I never know when a razor goes bad and I can’t really count shaves because I use an electric 60% of the time. It can’t be just number of uses or just age though cuz I still use an old disposable shitty one that’s at least 4 years old sometimes (not this time) and it never cuts me. Sometimes I get scared cuz I saw a reenactment of this girl who died on [whatever that Discovery show’s called that’s a knock off tv series version of the Darwin awards] because she used an old rusty razor to shave her legs and got infected to death. I don’t like throwing away things that still have use to them though (which explains my ex-girlfriend record), so I’m willing to risk a gruesome death. At least I’ll be remembered as environmentally conscious or frugal or an eccentric weirdo moron who got what he deserved for using outdated product.

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