People ask if I go to the gym or how much time I spend at the gym or what gym I go to, so here’s the answer:
I’ve never worked out in a gymnasium.
I’ve physically been in them only to say hello to friends that work at the front counter or pick someone up from one. I don’t like them, I don’t understand them and I have no use for them.
The world is a gym.
What do I need a treadmill for when there are paved roads to run on, fricken everywhere?
Why would I want to travel to a special place to set up and yank some complex pulley system to work out my triceps when I can do dips on any chair or stable coffee table?
What use do I have for weight machines when I can just push-up the weight of my body against any floor (gravity is free)?
Why would I use yet another apparatus to work my abs when the simple act of sitting up via sit-ups and crunches does the same thing?
What would I need a gym for? Because I hate having $30 to $60 (or more) extra every month and am running out of ways to get rid of it?
The totality of my exercise equipment is: 4 dumbbells, a padded mat and a pull-up bar (and I mostly use the pull-up bar to hang and stretch more than anything else).
Gyms are pointless scams, save for 2 reasons – and only 1 of them is legit.
Reason 1: If you wanna get Swoll. If getting big and muscle-bubbly (usually to prove something to yourself or society) then the only way to do it is to lift heavy things and change your diet accordingly -both of which might require a Personal Trainer to maximize efficiency and results. You’ll notice, that while i’m toned – i’m not bulky – so if that’s the look you’re going for, you don’t want to follow my footsteps.
Reason 1: is that you have to remember that I’m not going for sick-buffness and bulk. I’ve always hated that look. It creeps me out and reeks of trying to hard when applied to myself, which shows that my brain is calling bullsh*t on the inauthenticity of it all because I don’t generally see other people with ripped bulky bods as definitionally going overboard themselves. Either way: I don’t personally have thick juicy bulk in mind as my goal. If that’s not what you’re going for (which is usually the case) then it makes sense to go up a level on the working out/lifting/lifestyle.
Reason 2: You wont work out unless you make a commitment and pay for it monthly. I understand this is a reality to a lot of people… it’s just one that I find silly. The details why are another topic for another time though. This is about my position on gym-ery.
And that’s it.
So no – I don’t go to the gym – Yes I do work out – & yes I guess I do some lifting, but not for “get muscley” purposes.
And now you know.
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