This Mornings CVC (Coffee-Vomit Crisis)

I have a guest in the house currently in town that drinks coffee, and whenever coffee is already made and being served, I try to force down a cup just so I can help progress into adulthood that tiny bit more (same with wine).

Well, I had too much. 2 cups with half a melted chocolate bar, soy milk, sugar, and a drop of carmel (how ELSE am i supposed to make it eatable?). I have a hard time tolerating caffine unless dilluted well, so I assumed my bowl of Cocoa Krispies and 4 giant ass glasses of water I had my 2cupcoffee’s with would do the trick. A trick was done alright, as I assumed wrong and an hour and a half later, without warning I get the hot-head with bubble in your throat combo that is your bodies preparation slash heads-up that “hey. dude? yer eh, about to puke. k? k, cool.”

Well at first I was down with it. I haven’t puked in a really long time and after awhile you forget what its like, so I was kinda into the reminder. Plus, several of my model friends out here in L.A. rave about puking up breakfast, so why not try it and gain the credibility of experience for the next time I make open fun of thier “disease”?

Then I realized this puke would cost me. And I said ah-nah.
Besides the coffee and Krispies in a half gallon of water this morning, my stomach had expensive pill-form supplements churning with in it already… One calcium/vitamin-D pill, 1 multi-mineral, 1 pure garlic extract and 1 multi-fattyacid (borage, flax and fish oils).
Oh no. we’re not puking that up. no way guys. we gotta pull this one through.
My body goes “but Rich!” — no. don’t “but Rich” me right now. We’re keepin it down. Now I need you to just stay cool for a few minutes while I work on some things. Help is on the way, alright? just sit tight…

And it (my body) did. I quickly left the bathroom where I had this “its not worth the cost to vomit right now” epiphany and headed over to the kitch to down some organic trail mix and more water. A slice of cheese and some rubbing of the temples later and all is well.

Mind: 1
Matter: 0

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