Why doesn’t anyone want to be an adult anymore?

Coming from an adult who is not exactly the embodiment of what adulthood is usually depicted as, I’m all the more baffled and disappointed with humans these days. I suppose its because I flatlined at around 6 years old at my levels of adult and child mixture and never changed past that where as the vast majority of people have a linear staircase of growth in their personal development. Not me. I was a businessman who kept current with the news, took on responsibility, was interested in moral and logical equations to apply to daily situations to better myself and society as well as being a hyperactive cartoon watching performing weirdo and I’m no different today. Others go through a lot of personal developments and radical changes to their personalities, I’ve noticed while I am exactly the same as I’ve always been. I just know more.

But why do these people going through this growth and change hit the brakes RIGHT at the good part and try to claw their way backward? What made people such timid worms who want to stay in the comfort of mental childhood, so willing and eager to give up so many great opportunities in exchange for lack of responsibility and safety?

From Mel Brooks’ Movie-Play-&MovieAgain:

Max Bialystock: Why you miserable, cowardly, wretched little caterpillar! Don’t you ever want to become a butterfly? Don’t you want to spread your wings, and flap your way to glory?

Leo Bloom: No!

Our youth obsessed entitlement culture has been an entirely poor development for society.

About richard