Why haven’t you banged that artist yet?

Since I’m an awesome friend, I want my gay friends to score just as much as anyone else. aaaand… the author of the emo duo Pon & Zi internet cartoon strip (you’ve seen them on myspace somewhere at some point if nowhere else) happens to be into hot dogs and not donuts (in a relationship currently though. bleh) and looked just too ca-uuute with my homo-homeboy big D, so naturally I started harassing him to hook it up with Pon & Zi dude. Now, one of the ways I could accomplish this would be to private message him on Facebook. but. eff that. So I public-commented him, but, ehn khode *does that double eyebrow raise that marks deviousness*

The 2nd message (at the top) explains the first, which reads:

Why am I messaging you?
haven’t I anything better to do?
you will understand the real intention soon.
banged into your brain, its meaning will be.
the meaning of this comment is at the end.
Pon&Zi rock and i saw you marked yourself as a fan on here.
artist is a word that is sometimes used too liberally.
yet??? here I am. messaging you. with a question SO IMPORTANT, it could only be delivered publicly in code…..

the code? first word of each line. duh. (in bold to help you out).

Yeay for gay hook-ups!
In an unrelated note though to fellow Californians: vote Yes on Prop 8.

About richard