11, 12, 13

Todays date is 11/12/13. How did you spend this once in a century occurrence?

Or are you one of those dopes that thinks this is unimportant? There’s a tweet or status or quote whose origin I didn’t bother to track down but that people are reposting mocking the significance over the date because “every day only happens once in a lifetime. That’s how time works”. Harr harr.

Every date is a once in a forever occurrence (unless time is cyclical and after the universe ends, it comes back to where it started) but they’re mostly insignificant series of numbers. Pattern-dates like 6/6/6 or 12/12/12 or 11/12/13 are rare in our calendar system so they get pointed out, bcuz theyre speshulz.

This is our 2nd to last one of these, too. Next year on 12/13/14, we’re DONE son :(.

About richard