5 Animals That Have No Business in This Century

My friend has invented a show and I encourage you all to submit your additions. The premise:

What has no business in this century?

His first suggestion:

Let me start w mudskippers. No business being in this millennium. It has to constantly make sure it has mud on it, god forbid it dry off & die. it walks 3 steps then has to roll around again. WHY IS IT OUT OF THE WATER? Get back in the water, what is it doing?

My Additions:

Manatees. in the primordial soupy swamps of an early earth – fine. but today? theyre just slow globs of fat that collect more notches on their back from boat propellers than my bedpost does from chicks that ive banged (which is to say that most manatees have at least 2 slices in them). gtfo out of Cen21.

Another from the suggester:

Deep sea fish have no business in this century. They have too much stuff on them, what’s all that stuff for? & Jellyfish, get the fkk off the planet. you’re stupid. you’re not a fish or a jelly & you’re just there for no other reason but to ruin a day of swimming.

Tapirs. they look like something that should be in the background of a Star Wars movie, serve no purpose and if shown a picture, 9 out of 10 people will label it “absolutely extinct” yet exists. why? to do nothing. gtfo of this century.


I nominate all sharks with teeth (though i’m not comfortable with that whale shark shit and the nurse sharks in California still freak me out when i look down whilst swimming).

Sharks are water dinosaurs. they should be dead by now. we got rid of t-rexes on land and left great whites in the water? eff. that. oceans should be for mans pleasure and enjoyment. pretty fish, amusing seals, dolphins – all welcome. shit with teeth thats an ambush predator operating under a “shoot first and ask questions later” policy? DIE. now. thx.

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