Appearances Dont Make You Gay

Did y’all know that looking like a thing isn’t the best evidence that a person is-that-thing?

Wyatt posted this picture:

I saw this:

Someone else (brilliantly) saw this:

Others saw… gay porn…

Which I found odd, but also annoying since my goofy persona suffers from the same “everything is gay” criticism – which I understand, because people see patterns and our brains are wired to try and make sense of the world around us, so computing patterns into a taxonomy of understanding isn’t the worst thing a person can do but that doesn’t excuse the jump to conclusions from as low-level evidence as a facial expression.

Here’s the tail end (stop thinking in gay terms) of the comments thread after I repeatedly noted that if you’re unable to see the fo-model expresh then the 2nd and 3rd fallbacks are suspicion or confusion. Anything gay sex related is at least double digits down the list of possible explanache’s.

I think there’s a guy underneath him and he can’t decide if he likes being a top or not. Probably not; back to bottom.

I think as difficult a concept it may be for some to grasp, that not everything male and shirtless is gay sex related.

But that expression?

are you trying to get me to accidentally admit something, “I Love Lucy” style for when I say “In all the gay porn *I’ve* watched, *I’ve* never seen anyone make this face”? cuz i haven’t.

has nothing to do with the fact that he’s shirtless and everything to do with the fact he is in bed.

this is getting to be too much. you guys can have a lot of things, but sleeping furniture? this gay imperialism needs to be fought and some of you tried for war crimes.


proper way for gay to comment dudes pic:


Looks don’t make you gay. Clothes don’t make you gay. and facial expressions most definitely do not make you gay. cool it, wouldja?

UPDATE: Case in point found yesterday here in Hawaii while at a Shrimp Truck on the North Shore. Check it out: Shortie pants & man-purse say “gay”, but the presence of his wife and kids say “nah, just European”. Learn to be more cautious with your gay-labeling (gaybeling?), folks. It’s a gamble that makes you a douche when you lose so why bother with it?

About richard