Arrogance vs Empowerment

When you’re fat, disabled or just ugly & say you’re “beautiful” its admired & applauded.

When I say it I’m “cocky” & “arrogant”?

WTF bitches.
It’s time to end this inconsistent double standard. If everyone’s beautiful then either we’re allowed to say so or not. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder and self esteem is an important trait to possess then we’re supposed to behold ourselves as fkking beautiful.

The blame for this snap judgment is split between the aggressors and the culprits. It’s 51% self conscious whiny haters, but 49% stupid sluts and muscle-douches.

The 51% haters are casting shame upon the “cocky” because they are weak and lack of humility is dangerous to weak minds since it puts them in an unsafe environment in their mind.

The 49% dumbsluts and muscle-brah’s are culprits for adding legitimacy to the charge of arrogance.



About richard