Attention everyone on Myspace: I’m NOT FOR SALE

I have gotten over 400 of these messages auto-sent to my comments on Myspace…

Hey Richard Bushnell’s Official Myspace, I just bought you as my PET! Click here to find out how much I think you’re $$WORTH$$!

This comment was sent by your friend via the Own Your Friends! application. To block comments sent via Apps.

click here.

You didn’t buy crap. I’m not for sale.
If I was you couldn’t ALL have bought me – I’m a finite recourse. There’s only one in stock.

You all suck. Every last one of you who willfully put this stupid application on your profile and spammed all your poor friends with it. It’s not funny. It’s not cute. It’s not fun. There are zero redeeming qualities of this Myspace app. You suck for using it. The only reason anyone uses it at all is to join the sheep heard after getting it from 10 of their other friends.

Stop buying me. The maintenance alone would bankrupt you.

About richard