Here’s lookin at you, kid

Pensively the artist stared forward, his emerald eyes piercing the viewer like a hot sword through a obelisk of vegan butter. Green screen behind him and out of place old timey movie camera emoji floating in the empty space pretentiously suggesting that recording of severe entertainment consequence might be about to take place.

His captive fans would have lost themselves in wonderment of what was in store for them, were it not for the subjects mesmerizingly roughed handsome exterior freezers no all thought attempting to percolate behind their doe eyes swooning. 

It was a time of great art. An age of imagination seen only during his time on earth Creating.

Pensively the artist stared forward, his emerald eyes piercing the viewer like a hot sword through a obelisk of vegan butter. Green screen behind him and out of place old timey movie camera emoji floating in the empty space pretentiously suggesting that recording of severe entertainment consequence might be about to take place. His captive fans would have lost themselves in wonderment of what was in store for them, were it not for the subjects mesmerizingly roughed handsome exterior freezers no all thought attempting to percolate behind their doe eyes swooning. #hashtag #pickles #existentialism #nihilism #sexybeardedman #hotguys #porn #notreally #ninja #ryangosling #tictac

About richard