Birds and bees internet lesson

Freshman9866 (10:32:44 PM):

Richar900: [link to a video containing description in next IM]
Richar900: just an old white guy jerking off to fat black women at the beach. business as usual
dickkead: riiiight
dickkead: not at all what i expected
dickkead: but uh, for future reference, dicks aren’t really my thing
dickkead: i likea the ladies
Richar900: and what female comic besides sarah silverman is actually funny?
Richar900: exactly. so when you wanna laugh at something, its not gonna be through a female unless its unintentional
dickkead: there’s a few

Freshman9866 (10:32:51 PM): richard, what is jerking off
Richar900 (10:34:35 PM): eek. no more non-school related internet for you
Freshman9866 (10:35:06 PM): that still doesnt explain what jerking off is, richard.
Richar900 (10:36:48 PM): its.. when someone is being a jerk.. and you tell them off.. like you yell at them n stuff
Richar900 (10:36:59 PM): so you’re..
Freshman9866 (10:38:27 PM): so an old white man was being a jerk and telling group of fat ladies at the beach!?
Freshman9866 (10:38:47 PM): *telling off a group of
Richar900 (10:38:51 PM): ….yes?….
Freshman9866 (10:39:14 PM): oh wow richard, with your witty remarks i bet you jerk off to people alot!
Freshman9866 (10:40:13 PM): woowiee richard the more you know, right!?
Richar900 (10:42:50 PM): o dear
Freshman9866 (10:43:27 PM): RICHARD! but from across the street told me that jerking off was mmmaassshhturrbatttinggg *covers mouth with hands*
Richar900 (10:44:29 PM): god DAMMIT internet
Richar900 (10:44:36 PM): foiled again
Richar900 (10:45:06 PM): udontevenknow what masturbating is. shush
Richar900 (10:45:13 PM): go watch a disney cartoon or something
Richar900 (10:45:20 PM): not little mermaid. that bitch is half naked
Freshman9866 (10:45:21 PM): the priest told me that mastubating was when a person touches themselves
Freshman9866 (10:45:33 PM): well at least theres something i can always count on
Richar900 (10:45:36 PM): thats all you need to know about it
Freshman9866 (10:45:38 PM): aka, nightmare before christmas
Freshman9866 (10:46:17 PM): but richard, if im out in the cold wilderness one day and i need to conduct heat by rubbing my hands togther thus creating friction im not allowed to do that becuase im touching myself?
Freshman9866 (10:49:09 PM): ?
Freshman9866 (10:50:19 PM): yeah thats right
Freshman9866 (10:50:20 PM): dont answer.
Richar900 (10:50:21 PM): just not your genitals. you can touch everything else
Freshman9866 (10:50:54 PM): now one last question before i got to sleep
Freshman9866 (10:50:58 PM): or take a shower
Freshman9866 (10:50:59 PM): or both
Freshman9866 (10:51:07 PM): what is this “asian porn” you speak of.
Richar900 (10:52:16 PM): its a type of Anime with happy friendly pigs. porn is short for porcine or pork
Freshman9866 (10:52:38 PM): WOOOWW! so like sailor moon!?1
Freshman9866 (10:52:42 PM): and pokemon!?
Freshman9866 (10:52:49 PM): I wanna look up some sailor moon porn!!
Richar900 (10:53:40 PM): no no. you have to. its not. you cant just..
Richar900 (10:53:45 PM): go to bed god dammit


About richard