Bitches be crazy: Myspace edition

My status yesterday read how I thought it was adorable how Myspace keeps rolling out efforts to remain relevant. This Tracie chick, commented among others who made sense in their reactions by saying “not me”. Not me?… So.. she doesn’t think its adorable that Myspace wants to be a relevant website? mmm – I commented inquiring confirmation or clarity. Instead of doing either, she replied with.. eh.. I dont even know what the fuck this is.

The first one is the most recent, so read bottom-to-top:


Then, a few minutes later, she sends this message to me through the regular personal message mail:


She didn’t delete me though, as the following day she let me know that all these messages were just sent in a drunken haze after her and a girlfriend had a few too many while (I assume) using a double sided D together surfing my Myspic pics. So that’s cool. nothin wrong with drunk-spacing.

UPDATE: Tracie turns out to be a pretty decent lady. biased cuz she’s a richardland fan? maybe. but what else does a human need to be cool? eh-nuthinnn. thatz wut.

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