Bizarre: Attempts to shame others for Liking their own Facebook posts

For some reason there is an odd cult of people on the Facebookz who feel the need to scold their friends who click the Like link on their own statuses and pictures. The first couple times I noticed this I thought it was an odd over reaction but after I saw more do it I realized there was something psychological going on here. You don’t get anything from the number of Likes a post on Facebook has. The most a person has to gain would be to artificially inflate their Like count, tricking viewers who don’t take the time to cross-check the people who make up the number shown, that 1 more person likes what they posted than actually does. So what?

Mostly, Liking a post that you posted is either intentionally ironic/some form of joke or…an expression that you Like what you posted. You could post that you hate seafood or you could post that you’re eating seafood at the moment and then Like the status as an added notation that you’re enjoying the meal.

So what is up with these people who give a crap that you clicked a link on a profile of a website you’re on? Clearly they care because they not only voice that it is an odd thing to do but often try to make the person feel odd for doing it. It might be a confidence thing in where they’re annoyed that someone else is getting undue recognition or is feeling too good about themselves, which always makes insecure people uncomfortable and fills them with a need to knock you down to their level.

Whatever the case is, it’s friggin weird and you are lame for doing it.


About richard