Bottle bag babe’s big BMW blunder

I met one of my friends in a parking lot one night for a drug drop off, and while picking up the boxes of teddy bears filled with pure Colombian blow, the girl who joined her giggled at “what’s in the trunk” and goaded her to show me that it was filled with plastic bottles they were going to drop off at the recycle place to score some coin.

This is amusing because unlike every other 19 year old female friend of mine that drives a high end automobile: this one isn’t rich off daddys money, actually works for a living, struggles like the rest of us, is a normal person -but drives a BMW.

‘BMW with bottles in it cuz we’re actually poor in real life’ is a funny thing to blog about so, much to my friends protest (I originally tried to force her to pose with the bottles), I took a couple pictures with Brenda (my iphone). But alas… Brenda’s camera isn’t worth the empty Evian’s she was trying to capture, and all my attempts came out looking like pictures of bigfoot. Also, the BMW logo is on the trunk…so…my hilarious idea was admittedly less so when actually executed.

If trying meant anything I would say “at least I tried”, but in this world its the results that count, and unfortunately nothing funny came from my attempt to point out a fascinating and partially tragic societal dichotomy.

Oh well. now if you’ll excuse me I have a meeting with some clients over the matter of the sale of some Teddy bears.


About richard