Breakfast of Champion. (This one… I’m the Champion)

Late breakfast. Daddy’s enjoying a fruit plate (with a little bit of chocolate) by the pool before he starts work. Which will also be by the pool. and also probably include a second stab at this cake nonsense. It’s a rough morning but these things need to get done…


But more importantly, could y’all understand the basics of comedy, please? After posting this on facebook with the first line as a caption, dumbass Jimmy, whom I’ve known for 15+ years now and yet is still so comedically tone deaf that I have to educate him with stuff like this.

If someone posts a picture with a giant ass chunk of chocolate cake and strawberry slices (lets not talk about the raspberry for right now just cuz it messes up the flow of what i’m saying here) and calls it a “fruit plate” with a “little bit of chocolate”, what god awful brain damaging accident do you need to suffer to not see that it’s being stated facetiously? I mean wtf man. Even though I want to get his colorfully verbose girlfriend a webseries, I fear her harsh Judge Judy style sassiness is killing any semblance left of his personality. Was this too harsh to reply to him with? Here’s how it went down:

Jimmy: That looks more like a chocolate plate with a little bit of fruit

Richard: thanks for explaining the joke, Grandma. yeesh.

Jimmy: Oh…I must be getting old…

Richard: Dammit Jimmy… get your decaying ass out here for a refresher course in how to be not-totally-lame and regain a shred of your childlike whimsy that that awful woman you live with is vampirically draining away.

Just say NO to living with evil women who will suck the innocence out of you…


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