Calendar Crosses

The question: Why do people cross off their calendars like that? Is your life such a shit life that you can’t wait to cross it off as being over and done with forever?

Das Answur: Its the opposite of that. Crossing off the days helps me visualize how many I have left so I can maximize them each week and month as well as show how many have passed so they dont all run into each other in my mind. It drives me nuts that I cant get an app for my iOS calendar to X out days past but I have a big desk calendar that I write event reminders in the blocks and cross out and then I always get a wall calendar like this one whose sole purpose is display the X’s in a more compact list so the ratio of expired & upcoming days left is easiest to assess immediately upon looking at it. On the OCD side of things: I change Sharpie colors every month and last year I tried to get casual and only did one slash through each box on BOTH calendars (i know. im a fkkin badass), but I only made it a week and a half before it got to me too much and I had to go back and complete all the X’s. Its also taken me a few hours of therapy to become okay with the fact that I changed my mind about Februarys color by half a shade on day 3 but it gets better each day.

I would like checks on my computer and phones calendar with the background of the completed days square grayed out. That’d be ideal. but I need a corner to corner fill on a physical calendar. The plain X’s are my step up from when I used to X in Sharpie and then crosshatch the day out in pencil to raise the contrast between “days that are gone forever” and “days yet to come”.

I recommend everyone cross out the days on their calendars to remind them every day of the passage of time and how much they have wasted and how much they have left.

About richard