Can’t sleep. Bill is on. talking about stuff. gotta listen.

DAMMIT. I was jeeeuuuust about to turn off the tv and finally get some 1AM sleep, when the 4 o’clock Eastern daily repeat number 3 of the O’Reilly Factor came on. I can’t sleep NOW. This is my last chance to watch today’s Factor since my Windows Media Center PC has decided to freeze the Media Center part and make taping or watching shows impossible until you restart the whole computer (this happens daily now. yeay Windows), and I missed the 2nd play.

Oh hell no. Sleep is officially postponed for 47 minutes. Factor producer Jessie Waters is confronting Florida Circuit Judge Manuel Lopez while he’s trying to drive away in his car. I love these segments even though they make me really squeamish and uncomfortable. For you totally lame non-factorites: what he does is send the Producer of the show or some other guy behind the scenes who isn’t tied down to being in-studio all the time to go out on the street Mike Wallace-60-Minutes style and poke microphones in peoples faces who have sinned against nature and up to this point refused to explain themselves in any way to the media. In this case, judge Lopez gave a tiny bail to an illegal alien that later killed a dude.

This is fun because its a legitimate story that of course only O’Reilly is covering (on tv anyway) and the racial component of both villains being Hispanic (despite the victim being black) guarantee’s more “Bill O’Liely is a racist Hitler loving KKK member fascist” lines dribbles across . Woot.

Damn you William Buchanan (i made that up) O’Reilly. You’ve kicked the sandman out of my house again.
And I love you for it.

Bill O'Reilly Pictures, Images and Photos

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