My Gorgeous Golden Locks Are Getting Girlish Gawks

This reminded me that I should be posting more of my conversation-gold that’s currently just being wasted…

Anonymous-Female inspired an awesome idea i’m considering raising money for (probably through crowdfunding)…


This will be a funnier story when One Way Literary is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary of spreading literature to otherwise ignorant and drunk citizens of the night.

Oh, whats’s up with that about my hair? It’s really true. People think I’m so great for so many of my other great reasons that they often completely forget what a significant percentage my blonde locks account for in my awesome-factor. Even when I kindov need a grooming of some kind.


I’m a current day Samson, except that I also keep my power when its cut. and when I go bald. and when I’m just a rotting skull.

About richard