Christmas Jerks being Jerks on Christmas

I vaguely remember spending the evening of last years Christmas day owning some whore on Facebook who had nothing better to do but be a dumb whore on Facebook but she got the last laugh cuz the only reason I do those things is to repost them in blogs for your entertainment and the person whose account we were sparring on deleted themselves before I could do the post. I don’t wait and always save an early copy now. #LessonLearned.

This year I got this little treat as a Youtube comment on my video from a year ago about the narcissistic douchejerks who get offended when people wish them Merry Christmas (a national holiday):

Dude didn’t realize that his sentence could be taken as a double negative to mean the opposite of what he was trying to say. Oddly, that seems to me to be the more glaring example of Stupid present in the comment, surpassing even the fact that he got the number of choices correct but failed to notice that the one he claimed was absent is in fact…not… moron.

Christmas is an American holiday. It’s a religious holiday. It’s a secular holiday.

So if you live in America, are religious or are secular – “Merry Christmas” applies to you. Quit being little pissey bitches about a time of year where traditions and wishes of good will and giving are on display.

As if the guys douchitude wasn’t enough on-display, a quick look at his Youtube activity shows that this was what he did for fun Christmas eve: he searched for Christmas videos just to troll people in the comments and bait them into arguments and bigoted rants. Classy.

“Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal” – Home Alone

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