Dogs don’t know english

When I realized that Buddy follows the command “go lay down” even though he doesn’t know what those words mean (except “down”), I started experimenting.

So like, i’d say “Goah ley Dan” and he’d go lay down and i’d mess with him and be like “what are you doing? hm? I didn’t tell you to do that sh#t”. and then i’d say, like, “Gah la Dahh” and he’d do it… and then id reduce it down to just “Ga da daa” and he’d do it. cuz dogs are stupid. and they don’t know english.

I quickly realized of course that the joke is on me cuz I’m basically just doing accents and Buddy is just smart enough to interpret the familiar sound patterns without me articulating every letter in every word. So really I’m the dummy and he’s being intuitive – especially since if I didn’t annunciate a sentence properly and he didn’t understand *what I literally didn’t say* I would be annoyed and come to the exact same “lol dogs are stupid” conclusion, so what even is my point here?

lol. I guess it’s that dogs don’t know words – they know generalities. So it’s not the specificity that matters so much as getting the larger communication correct for them to understand you. Which is also why it’s so silly that women (I was about to say “people”, but nah – it’s always women) try to talk full sentences to a dog like it knows what you’re saying. You have to communicate to it a lot broader than that.

I need to go lay down.


About richard