Don’t insult me by devaluing yourself…

If I haven’t informed you that you are useless, worthless, wretch – you do me a great disservice by acting as such. Please stop it. I’ve given you no reason to insult me in such a manner, have I? Am I guilty of a course of action that leads you to distrust my abilities in character assessment? If not then kindly keep your own judgement of yourself and your abilities to yourself and take my word for it that you’re worth something.

I’m not in the business of wasting my precious time. I’m actually kind of obsessed with maximizing every second I have remaining alive. So if I’ve chosen to spend some time with you in a business relationship, a friendship, a romantic relationship, or a friendly encounter – I have assessed you to be “not a waste of my time”. Please don’t prove me wrong.

Know a sure fire way to do that? By acting like or flat out informing me that you are such. This isn’t humility as you may think – it’s an insult to my excellent personal-worth indicators.

Look, kiddo…

I understand feeling inadequate. I understand the crushing anchor of feeling like you’re not only on a different and lower level than someone else but that there aren’t enough helium balloons on the set of Pixar’s UP to be able to lift you to that position but please know this from the bottom of my heart: You don’t know sh#t on this subject. I do. Listen to me.

It’s totally fine that you were unaware of your value before I informed you of it. That’s not your fault. But after me – an expert appraiser of the human condition – comes along and gives you a value then don’t dispute it by bringing your previous self-feelings into the picture.

Trust me… and not just cuz I said so – but because I’ve given you no reason to doubt me in this area of expertise. I understand you still feel unworthy and cant comprehend my disagreement. That’s fine. Your job is to listen and learn of your own value. Not fight it.

I’ll do you the honor of being straight up with you in frankly and honestly pointing out the shitty parts but you have to do me the honor of not discounting the worthy parts.

Do we have a deal?…


About richard