Don’t say “Impossible” when the truth is”It’s hard”

As is the standard disclaimer with all of these types of posts: I’m only putting this on record because it’s a record of my life – not because I’m just soooOoo proud of myself, but because it’s a thing that happened that I think is worth showing – even if you think it makes me look like a douche.

Spoiler: You will likely have that assessment. but what-kan-aye-say… I disagree. and this is how I am. so. here is me being me with a writer in my networked ventures who is a female that does articles for a couple niche brands but to be clear – our relation is primarily social. Background here is that she frequently says things that are hard are completely impossible, which results in – shocker – the very-much-possible thing not getting done.

So I did a little bit of math and decided it’s pretty much impossible for me to give you 62 articles in one month
Mostly because if I’m lucky it’d take me 5-6 hours per article, which if I’m writing two, that’s an entire day. 
But also for other reasons such as there’s other interruptions and distractions.. For example, I spent the first few days filling out proper paperwork; then I was in Palm Springs for two days; I still attend “anti social” gatherings; and you know, I have to eat and stuff, and clean, etc

lol idk why you’re such a downer in the face of obstacles like this. If efficiency is low then obviously you have to cut production time.

IDK why you always describe my realism as being a downer. I’m literally sitting here doing it. Writing. And I’m letting you know how much time it’s taking me. And I’m letting you know that 62 for me in 31 days is unrealistic. I’ve tried cutting production time but it just doesn’t work for me. It doesn’t take me 30 minutes to write an artiw. It just doesn’t.

Because it doesn’t approach resembling realism – it’s just blanket negativity, which is defeatism. If something doesn’t work out the way it is then you change the way it is to achieve the goal. Is the goal metaphysically possible? Then there’s a way to do it. Maybe you don’t *want* to do it – and that’s fine – but it’s not mathematical impossibility that’s the barrier to success – it’s either a bad perspective or lack of desire.

^That’s the main back issue and where each side represented its case. Marked separately here, is my suggestion for a fix and the rebuttal:

Try setting a timer for 40 minutes, focusing, and seeing where you can go with a random topic – not a deep introspection on something you care deeply about articulating your personal feelings about perfectly and accurately

I don’t have opinions on random topics… I have a compilation of things I have an opinion on. It would take me 40 minutes just to form an opinion on a random topic lol

Then you have your “problem area” to focus on all ready to attack for you. Quick hot takes and random thoughts. Think it as you type it and bang bang bang em out. First few will be rough – sand them up a little – buff and wax after that – and in no time you’ll have a thousand of em

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About richard