Don’t try so hard to opinion-cleanse your frenz

Note to pussies (mostly just girls. but also guys acting like girls): The Tarkin Doctrine doesn’t work. Not for you. Not for Regional Governors in the Galactic Empire.

“The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”   -Princess Leia Grand Moff Tarkin

In other words: Purging people from your surroundings in an effort to cleanse your life of anything that might conflict with you and your opinions and beliefs won’t work, you’re dumb for trying, and you’re gonna get blown up in a rebel strike against your battle station. or something.

A friend just noted the following on Facebook and asked me to weigh in because it was assumed my opinion might be similar to his.:

I post things every day that offend people. I’ve probably had about 30 to 50 religious people defriend me over time from either status updates or blog entries ====> NOT REAL FRIENDS, anyway.

Of COURSE people who defriend you over posting something controversial are not real friends.

The only reason to defriend someone over something they post is if it is specifically directed toward you with the intention to injure, humiliate or otherwise hate on you. and even then, i would recommend allowing an outburst now and then instead of cutting the person off.

In fact, i think i recall the very friend who posted this and asked me to weigh in was in that category not too long ago. I remember his earliest comments to me being 100% negative. but it wasnt personal stuff like “you’re an ugly faggot bitchshit that should die”, it was more like “you’re stupid and here’s what i think” – so, so what? If someone as vain as me can handle that when directed specifically AT me on one of my threads on my wall – what does it say about the weinies who cant even handle you posting something NOT directed specifically at them on your own wall?

There’s a bigger divide when you unfriend a person not even because they said something in opposition TO you and/or ABOUT you but just something that applies to you.

In this friends case, it was a blog post about how ugly and stupid tattoos are. Okay. fine. If I was covered in tattoos and I saw you post this in your feed, I would think you were cooler for having this view yet not applying it so rigidly as to dislike or hate on me – not unfriend you.

It’s even worse in the religion example he gave because religious Christians at least are called to proselytize and convert at best and lead by example at least.

If you’re a religious person and your reaction is to immediately defriend someone who is not a religious person then you have exposed your faith to be no deeper than a gang member or a really stupid sports fan. “Oh – that person isn’t already on your team? can’t be friends”. Screw you guys.


About richard