Don’t try to out-poke me. You’ll go mad with frustration

I’ll let richardland readers in on a little secret of mine just so you don’t waste time challenging me in the social networking battlefield arena of Facebook poking.

You literally can’t win a poke war with me.
Because I cheat… I use an auto-poker app that immediately pokes people back whenever I have it running.

I mostly use it as psychological warfare to frustrate creeps who just poke me without any further contact and also to break the spirits of friends who think they can outdo me on stamina.

As anyone reading this should already know: I am undefeatable in battle and you should never ever initiate contact with me via any attempt less than a straightforward comment, question, or share-of-an-item-of-interest.

Just like how I loathe useless “hi” or “whats up?” messages (reminder: always drop the salutation when contacting me and dive right into talking! If you have nothing to say, however – that should be a great opportunity for you to go ahead and say nothing). Poking is not an ice breaker for me. Ice breakers are ice breakers for me.

So. Like. Y’allz been warned. Who read this, anyway. Which is not many of my facebook friends. So. Whatever. But someone, somewhere has been warned. As long as the information is out there, I have a clean moral record in someone poking 9million times, right?

Poke me and you will be poked back. but not by I.

A robot who never sleeps will ping-pong back every poke you issue within half a second. Hopefully in the futility of this action, you will question your interpersonal dynamic initiation strategies and become humbled by this prank that illustrates the lack of purpose of your actions.

But feel free to drop me a message with a comment, question, or something interesting to share! 🙂

About richard