The truth about “An Eye for an Eye”

“An eye For an Eye Leaves the whole world blind” Is such a braindead quote. wtf? no it doesn’t. it leaves the people who take eyes blind. ironically it’s the opposite: NOT punishing the freaks who are going around jacking peoples eyes is what would leave the whole world blind. Gandhi either sucked at math or philosophy.

Of course, many take it to mean “if someone does something to you, doing the same thing back to them isn’t necessarily the right thing to do for either of you.”

If that’s what Gandhi meant to say then he sucks at clever turns of phrase and he would still suck at philosophy then since the introduction of eye-for-an-eye was to elevate humanity and make everyone equal (meaning if someone stabs you, you cant murder them and their family, like what was going on at the time. only 1 for 1 style punishment). i think everyone already knows that its not necessary, justified or even wise to do the same thing to someone else that they did to you, so this just makes an already obtuse point even more foggy. lame Gandhi… lame…

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