Feeling wanted is important

“All the laws and legislation in the world will never heal this world like the loving hearts and arms of mothers and fathers. If every child could drift to sleep feeling wrapped in the love of their family – and God’s love – this world would be a far more gentle and better place.” -Mitt Romney

I posted this on Facebook and not everyone took the sentiment positively. A couple responses that are representative of a certain mindset:

1: The God part. I’m personally not religious but I don’t think it’s controversial to state the fact that most people alive are. Thus, if a person believes in God then no doy are they gonna feel better in life if they think that God loves them.

2: Balking at the seeming fluffy idealism expressed in the quote.

[Name Redacted]: And if Barney the Dinosaur farted rainbows all the children of the world wouldn’t starve.

My response to both sentiments:

Richard: Interesting theory but imaginary characters flatulating refracted light through water droplets probably wouldn’t save any, let alone all children from starvation. Not at all a logical extension of the inarguable statement that the world would be far more gentle and better if children went to sleep feeling loved by their family, and yes, a Deity/Creator that may not exist (and further: that such a sense of security can not be achieved by government legislation). This uncontroversial truth doesn’t merit such cynicism.

To the atheist that still can’t get over the God part though: Do you not agree that children thinking there is a God looking out for them and loving them puts them at ease along with the love and security of their family and thus makes the world a better place? True that we are, in reality, just unguided organic growths on a rock floating through space, but that is not encouraging to children and that knowledge to them doesn’t inherently make them feel any better about anything.

The natural response is to just say how the love of their family or mere knowledge of the scientific truth of this existence (to the extent it is known) should be enough and you don’t “see the need” as one friend put it, to add the supernatural to the equation. But “___ should be” and not seeing “the need” don’t come into play in the quote.

It’s like saying if everyone went to the gym they would be happier, healthier and the world would be a better place. That statement is accurate and valid despite the fact that if you ask me personally, I think home exercise “should be enough” and I “dont see the need” for gym memberships. But we cant let idealism and personal preference supersede reality.

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