Get a Calendar, Cross the days out, and Plan yo damn life

Life is hard to keep track of but visual reference and record keeping of your immediate, upcoming, and longer rage time can be huge help.

This is for real, yo, so chiggity check it and dig this method of makin stuff happen in the time you inhabit this lifespan in this timeline during this version of reality that you’re experiencing.

First, you should have a desk calendar. Any calendar will do but the desk ones have big giant blocks for each days with space to write in and you should use that space to write in those days… Start with any excuse to put content in those blocks, even if its life goals like work out days, days you’re going to make sure you have at least 3 vegetables, or days you’re going to stretch whether that manifests itself as a structured yoga session or just actual stretching out your muscle tissue for a moment. If you don’t have any days where at random you ever stretch your body, work it out with weight resistance, or eat a variety of plants then you have your first life-problem that you can fix by just making a little physical visual note to get those life improving things done on some of the days that comprise a normal week.

If you never get beyond that point then you’re still ahead but try to do more. Try to fill those days with more meaningful accomplishments. What’s your plan? What are you tryna do on those days? What are you hoping to accomplish this year? Do you know what it takes to do it? Figure it out. then break the year down into months, the months down into weeks and the weeks down into days and plan a strategy. Then when each day arrives and you want or need to do something else then you know what to double up on the day following or you have actual components to move and reshape the Jenga tower of your life. Without the blocks of that tower, there is nothing to rearrange and anything you want to do or get done remains conceptual and will only happen in-the-moment if you get to it, if you feel like it, if you by chance have the time where you get inspired to do that one thing and coincidently have the means to do it at that time. That’s cool for a vacation but that sucks as a way of life. Plan stuff to do stuff. A good start is a desk calendar.

Just look at this funky fresh grid of opportunity and the excitement it holds! What wonderou–hey, wtf is up with Friday being such a skinnier column? This clipart sucks. Disregard…

And even on a wall calendar – not many people seem to like this but I recommend that you cross out each day as it passes so you can see the history of X’s as representations of days that are lost to time forever and see the empty boxes ahead of you that are yours to fill before both your own physical hand and the metaphorical one of Father Time criss-cross lines through that date, never to be repeated. As you’re doing the physical crossing you are forced at least on some level to reflect on yourself “what did I do on this 24 hour rotation of the earth?” And if the answer is “eat, sleep, and Netflix” then maybe make a plan for tomorrow with a little something more life-fulfilling perhaps.

You don’t have to have everything figured out and you don’t have to know what you want to do next week or next month and you don’t have to have life changing plans or a poppin bevy of social appointments in order to organize your days. Start small and add some order to the passage of time to give yourself a sense of scope and never live day by day again and you’ll be a better cheddar go-getter letter header.

*writes on tomorrows calendar: work on improving blog ending lines*

About richard