Getting hated on by drunk driving homos

The act isn’t anything new, but more of my associates than usual have been doing this shit lately: the “hey, i just thought i would contact you for the sole purpose of letting you know i am doing something damaging or dangerous to myself”. annoying. not only for the obvious “why?” factor, but also cuz i care about people, so its just cruel. like they’re taunting me that i’m more concerned about them than they are. gross.

devinbuttfingers: I’m all drunk n shit
devinbuttfingers: Drunk driving
misterawesome10: quit it
devinbuttfingers: Nah
devinbuttfingers: I’m good
misterawesome10: not amusing
devinbuttfingers: I don’t really give a fuck
misterawesome10: see, what’d i tell you about this… i like it so much better when i dont have to block you
devinbuttfingers: Whatever man
devinbuttfingers: I don’t care
devinbuttfingers: Bye!
misterawesome10: yea yea. but i do. later.
devinbuttfingers: You’re a nobody, do what you fucking please
misterawesome10: thanks for the permission. idk what’d id do without it
devinbuttfingers: K

i never know what they’re trying to accomplish either. cry for help? doubtful. i think they’re just punk ass dramaqueens who dont have anyone to talk to but don’t have the self security to be politely social so they think their only option is to randomly text, call or in this case phone-IM someone about how badz they’re beingz (omglulzuguyzzz).

Luckily I’m not really friends with this person, but you all still know how I bond with random people so that fact doesnt change a whole lote really. once I spend more than 8 seconds on you, I’ve made an investment so I still dont want you to fkkn DIE. or brag about how you’re ruining your life, which stupid California bitches are constantly doing… sigh. Its not like I ever pretend that the privilege of talking to me is a great honor to these dopes, but cutting them off or putting them on temporary blockage if they’re gonna be self destructive suck@lifers and proudly message me with late-breaking-updates about it is just…necessary. like. wtf.

Same dude messaged me again about an hour later:

devinbuttfingers: Night ugly
misterawesome10: glad you made it home ok
devinbuttfingers: I’m watching Orphan
devinbuttfingers: Eating donuts
devinbuttfingers: Mmmmm
devinbuttfingers: Shopping tomo
devinbuttfingers: And then hitting the gay club up
devinbuttfingers: !!!!
devinbuttfingers: Yay
devinbuttfingers: Omg
devinbuttfingers: I’m sooo excited
devinbuttfingers: I broke so many fucking necks tonite


UPDATE: the next day, 1PM his time (I’m in Hawaii where its still morning at the moment) he messages me AGAIN to tell me – what? what do you think?… well if you guessed:

devinbuttfingers: I’m neckbreakin as usual
devinbuttfingers: Haha

you win nothing.

UPDATE 2: idk why this gentleman is intent on picking a fight instead of sticking to making peoples necks broke this fine Halloween day, but about an hour later he messaged me AGAIN:

devinbuttfingers: Fuck you
misterawesome10: why are you so nasty lately. enough already
devinbuttfingers: I was talking
devinbuttfingers: And you weren’t replying
devinbuttfingers: So goodbye
misterawesome10: cuz you’re being a dick. or.. an ass. or. idk how to convey “jerk” without things that are probably compliments to you, but whatever.
misterawesome10: bye
devinbuttfingers: Hey I’m just gonna go ahead and block you on here
devinbuttfingers: Take care
devinbuttfingers signed off at 9:52 AM.
devinbuttfingers is offline and may receive your IMs when signing back in.
devinbuttfingers signed on at 9:52 AM.
misterawesome10: you did it wrong
devinbuttfingers: How
misterawesome10: im sure youll figure it out
devinbuttfingers: I hit block
devinbuttfingers: Wtf
devinbuttfingers: Oh ok
devinbuttfingers: I just gotta exit this convo
misterawesome10: ok
devinbuttfingers: Adios

Aw. sadz… no one likes to be dumped. especially when you’re so awesome. If only he hadn’t dumped me, i’d have given him THIS little gem: instead of rehashing the lame “neck brake” line all night (meaning he’s making other gay guys turn their heads for want of tapping that), why not step it up and say “breakin necks of Superman faster than Christopher Reeve’s horse”.

What…too esoteric to be funny? hey, fuck you guys. that’s a hilarious reference. If Family Guy did it, you’d all crack up like little bitches. BITCHES ya hear! *cries*

Nah, but fur reelz: he coulda had that. I woulda GIVEN him that. as a fkkn present. but now i’m gone…

About richard