Girly scolding about Manly stereotypes

Got into a bizarre exchange on Youtube after some freak picked a fight over my controversial comment on a video. that controversial comment was the word “funny”… I left it on the video below, which is an example of Google’s “make your own commercial and post it to youtube” promotion where I guess you fill in the search terms and the video is auto-made for you to post. I found this one (the only one ive seen) amusing and said so and got this poorly argued passionate plea about male stereotypes and gender psychology… eh… ya…


uh lol no. You obviously don’t know anything about men lmfao. Everything in that video is a stereotype.

uh lol no. that doesnt make any sense. what does finding stereotypical gender treatment amusing have to do with knowledge about men? hint: nothing, cuz like i? said, your comment doesnt make any sense :/. sorry to call you out on it.

Because you are actually stupid enough to believe all of those stereotypes. “Why are guys so stupid?” Actually, guys on average have a higher IQ than women. “Why are guys so weird?” Men and women are different, I could say the same for women. “Why do guys only date tramps?” Why do? girls only date assholes? “Why are guys so insensitive?” You obviously know nothing about the male pyschology.

finding humor in exposition of a stereotype is not a display of belief the stereotype is true. the video is funny not because it displays any stereotypes about males – it doesnt. your claim that it does is just another thing that doesnt make any sense. it has nothing to do with male psychology. the humor is found in the naive? feminine stereotype seen in the person doing the searches. the crazy pattern and immature erratic searches are funny. so are your awkward comments.

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