Globs of spoiled milk are actually not that bad

Honestly, that’s all cottage cheese, is, right?

Nasty spoiled milk curds are part of a balanced breakfast…

I had a mini-freakout when I noticed an organic cap of white slime blocking the flow of my cows milk that I pour on my grains (yes, Vegans, I know you’re more horrified at that than the thought of it congealing. Idk what to tell you. I’m not that freaked out by it). I was going to dump it out, but the milk didn’t smell bad and I wanted cereal so I ate it and it was fine.

Turns out, that’s 0% what this was at all… That blob at the top of the milk is just solid milk, or something. The front of the label on the gallon says it in big bold letters I only noticed after freaking out about this. Oops. Whatever. But how come no one pointed this out to me?? Why did I have to discover this on my own? Where all my dairy experts lookin out with smooth corrections to calm my nerves at, y’all? Geez.

But yea – this was nothing. It literally warns you of that exact that on the label of the product, soooo.. can’t really complain. Not really a thing. Nothing to see. The milk was not spoiled. ¯\_(?)_/¯   


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