Halloween Dirt

Spent the night walking around the crowded city streets and making random mischief, observing random drunks and getting sexually propositioned.

I only saw 2 Na’avi’s/Avatars. One male, one female – not together. VERY disappointed.. the girl was not topless and did not have a Jake Sulley boyfriend. Zero other Avatar costumes… wtf guys? You can do homemade Transformers, T-Rex’s, Ogre’s and skull ghost things but not the enhancement exoskeleton that the bad guy had? WEAKsauce.

Lady Gaga costumes might be silly for home Halloween parties but wearing them out in public is lame and lacking. While everyone else puts on actual costumes that resemble or represent other things OR slutty outfits to represent and sexualize other things, you’re going as a celebrity who does nothing BUT wear costumes and slutty outfits. It’s Halloween… “My costume is that singer who wears costumes” only works as an inside thing with friends or if you REALLY go for it and do the meat dress or something epic.

Saw a drunk girl in a slutty ladybug outfit yelling and barely keeping her balance while weaving down the street through the people. I ran over to a police officer at the corner monitoring the crowd and asked him to keep an eye on her or go check her out on account of she was holding a baby…

A young gentleman dressed as a slutty blonde girl says to me “boy, you fine, and I’m a girl, soooo, whatchu say you treat me like one tonight?”. Very cute fella. great bone structure and even skin tone. If I was even a little bit turned on by dudes I woulda pretended his name was Vegas and let what happens in him stay in him (i just made that up), but alas… the bad news is i’m not gay, but the good news is that he gave A+ oral.

While walking past a car with the passenger side door open parked on a curb of a dimly lit, mostly empty side street:
Girl: [in ruffle dress and top falling off in a manner suggesting it was recently removed and haphazardly put back on] hey! HEY, come here.
Me: whas up?
Girl: heyyy [wide smile]….you wanna get high?
Me: no thanks
Girl: you wanna fuck me?
Me: [leans forward slightly to get a better look at her. she’s moderately attractive. looks up at the dude behind the wheel staring forward blankly] not right now, thanks.
Girl: [gesturing to dude behind wheel] he’s cool, don’t worry about it, its totally fine.
Dude behind the wheel: [gives international “whatever. i dont give a fuck” shoulder-wrist-chin tilt gesture]
Me: ……y’all have a nice night now. [briskly power-walks away]

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